
In the privatisation process, the Brunner and Rosai families were awarded the contract by the Berlin Trust. At the beginning of October 1991, the final arrangements are made in Berlin. But it was not until 1 April 1992 that the two years of difficult negotiations came to an end and the Brunner and Rosai families were able to take over Ortrander Eisenhütte GmbH in equal shares as a joint subsidiary.
The two managing partners from Lower Bavaria, Ulrich Brunner and Alfred Rosai, have to put down a seven-figure sum for the "prime piece" of the former GDR heavy industry, which had been brought up to the state of the art at a cost of around 2,400,000 marks shortly before the fall of the Wall, and with the takeover they also have to make up for a loss in the business result of 900,000 marks. From the very beginning of the takeover it was clear that Ortrander GmbH would be developed into a powerful ironworks with new furnace developments and as a foundry supplier for all-German and European partner companies.  Ortrand's envisaged monopoly position is based on its relatively central location and its future production range. On the basis of the application for economic development of 14 April, the ironworks' facilities and equipment are modernised in 1993. Its surroundings are also given a friendlier face.
The starting signal for another fundamental modernisation of the ironworks is given on 17 July 1998 with the commissioning of the new warehouse. Over the next two and a half years, about DM 40,000,000 will have to be spent to make the Ortrand ironworks a permanently competitive production site. At present, about 40 % of production goes to suppliers of General Motors and Ford.  In a few years, however, the ratio of heating to automotive castings is to be exactly reversed.
On 19 August 1999, the shareholders of Ortrander Eisenhütte give the go-ahead for further expansion.  The Brandenburg Minister of Economics, Burkhard Dreher, praises the commitment of the Brunner and Rosai families, as the market adjustment they have carried out will make the ironworks viable again. The state of Brandenburg keeps its promise to support the gigantic project with 50 %. From now until 2001, 33,000,000 EURO will be invested in the site, and by 2002 annual production and turnover will have doubled. The ironworks is increasingly working for suppliers to the automotive industry. 150 jobs are to be created at the Ortrand site as a result. The promising launch of the new Ortrand ironworks will take place on 15 April 2002.
We fulfil our responsibility for the employees within the framework of activities within the company's occupational safety and health protection.
Within the framework of preventive measures, working conditions are optimised in technical, organisational and personal terms in order to achieve the highest possible level of occupational safety. Regular training of employees in occupational safety, in the handling of hazardous substances, and on how to behave in the event of an accident or fire, creates additional safety.
During safety exercises, internally or together with the local rescue services, it is important to us to uncover possible weak points in the rescue system and to train the procedure.
After the engineer Erwin Nicolaus had been able to purchase a private plot of land on the Böhla-Kraußnitzer-Straße, which was conveniently located in the immediate vicinity of the railway station grounds inaugurated in 1870, the drawings and the site plan of the future metal foundry Erwin Nicolaus were submitted to the magistrate of the town of Ortrand on 2 July 1886. The talented master mason and carpenter Carl Nicolaus had drawn them up for his brother Erwin Nicolaus. On 11 August 1886, the planned investment project was published in the Ortrand City Gazette and the following day in the Liebenwerda District Gazette.
On 19 October 1886, barely three months after the application was made, the permit to build the iron foundry was issued.
The solemn inauguration of the metal foundry took place on 3 January 1887. Pastor Auerswald from Ponickau gave the plant his divine blessing and full of hope people looked forward to the future prosperity of this new branch of industry in the town of Ortrand.
On 4 January 1887, an equestrian portrait of Kaiser Wilhelm I was cast for the first time to the complete satisfaction of the artist.
On 18 June 1887, the company, which was already successful after a short time, applied for permission to enlarge the metal foundry by 25 m.
The foundry singing society "Glückauf" was founded on 1 August 1890.
On 8 September 1890, it was hoped that the application to add a 40m art workshop would be approved.
On 22 July 1893 the metal foundry, which had run into difficulties due to constant expansion plans, was deregistered.
The Elsterwerda royal district court announced that on 2 April 1894 the Ortrand Ironworks Company with the partners baron Friedrich von Strombeck and engineer Rudolf Reinshagen had begun operations.
The ironworks association began its activities on 19 January 1895.
According to the registration of 24 February 1896 for the Saxon Trade Exhibition in Großenhain, the Ortrand Ironworks Company also operated a mechanical workshop, a steam grinding shop and a nickel processing plant.
A private canteen trading in bottled beer, cigars and herrings commenced business on the site of the ironworks on 21 September 1886.
The main products of the Ortrander Eisenhütte were cast-iron ovens, hot plates, grates, oven doors and, to a lesser extent, insert ovens.
The Ortrander Eisenhütte employed about 200 workers and had a branch office in Kandern (Baden).
In 1911, Ortrander Eisenhütte was awarded the Grand Prize at the International Cookery Exhibition in Frankfurt on the Main for the "Dishwashing and Disinfecting Apparatus""IDEAL" for Steam, Gas and Coal Heating".
In 1913, the Ortrander Eisenhütte was awarded the gold medal at the Leipzig Trade Fair.
In 1915, the main products manufactured by Ortrander Eisenhütte were permanent firing ovens, double firing doors, insert ovens (Irish and American system), folding plates, the dishwashing and disinfecting apparatus "Ideal", grid doors, heating and cooking ovens, hearth frames, hearth frames for gas plates, sewerage articles, cooking and frying tubes, hotplates, machine doors, top bar doors, stoves for wood and peat firing, stove racks, tube doors, grates and grate bars, grate templates, face plates for tiled stoves, hot tubes for stove racks and cellular stoves.
In 1944, Ortrander Eisenhütte received the armament order to manufacture cannon furnaces for the troop transports of the German Wehrmacht.
The Red Army captured the town of Ortrand in battle on 21 April 1945.
The units secured from enemy attack were put into operation in June 1945 and production resumed.
In August 1945, ordered furnace deliveries were made to Dresden, which had been destroyed by bombs.
The occupation authorities confiscated the assets of Ortrander Eisenhütte GmbH on 18 December 1945.
The dismantling list also included the Ortrander Eisenhütte.
In 1947, the Ortrand Eisenhütte was entered in the handeslregister as part of the Saxony-Anhalt industrial works. Work also began on expanding and technically upgrading the facilities. 118 employees were working again. The demand for heating appliances and cooking pots was particularly high.
The German Democratic Republic (GDR) was founded on 7 October 1949.
On 22 August 1952, the "Stahl" Ortrand company sports club (BSG) was founded.
The construction workers' strike in Berlin developed into a popular uprising in the GDR on 17 June 1953. This could only be put down by Soviet troops. For this reason, tanks were loaded at the Ortrand goods station. Two of the tanks rolled up in front of the Ortrander Eisenhütte factory gate and, after being assured that everything was quiet at the plant, they drove on.
Despite ongoing operations, the construction project "mechanisation of production" was realised in 1957-1958.
A third cupola could be started up before 21 July 1960.
Before the end of 1960, the annual export plan was fulfilled with the delivery of batch furnaces to the Federal Republic of Germany.
In 1961, the nationally-owned company Eisenhütte Ortrand achieved its reputation as a special foundry for thin-walled grey cast iron furnaces, hearth parts and permanent firing inserts.
In 1963, the "Furnace Casting" product group was founded, with 29 companies as members.

Until 1965 the foundry production was characterised by hand moulding, pin lifting machines and cold blast cupola furnaces.
As the lead company of the "Furnace Casting" product group, Eisenhütte Ortrand was contracted in 1967 to replace the existing production facilities with modern ones.
In the years 1971 to 1972, the project "Complex Automation of the Foundry" was realised within six months.
On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Ortrand Eisenhütte, a company history was published in booklet form in 1972. Six university and twelve technical college cadres worked at the plant.
In 1974, the complex reconstruction of the casting hall was the follow-up investment to the automation project.
With the completion of the "Reconstruction of Ortrand Eisenhütte" in 1977, the dust removal systems in the foundry and fettling shop were renewed. At the same time, the entire facility was subdivided into a district heating line, forming station and distribution network adaptation.
Ortrand Eisenhütte supplied case furnaces, furnace castings and meal slides to the Federal Republic of Germany and Denmark in 1980-1981.
The 300,000th tonne of furnace castings after 1945 was poured on 3 June 1981.
The "coke-gas cupola furnace" project was implemented from 15 September to 31 October 1984, replacing solid imported fuels. 230 fitters, lead fitters and auxiliary workers from 21 companies were employed. Helicopters supported the demolition and reconstruction of the smelting furnaces.
The Ortrand Eisenhütte (EHO) celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1987 with a festive event followed by a special reception. The project "Reconstruction of the EHO water supply" had special priority.
From 1 September to 31 October 1988, the project "Reconstruction of the Moulding Shop" was completed. It contributed to the further automation of the moulding plants through the continued use of computerised control systems.
On 9 November 1989, the Iron Curtain "fell" along with the Berlin Wall.
With almost 500 employees, the Ortrand Eisenhütte was one of the sector monopolists of the planned economy, the largest plant in the greater Ortrand area, and was extensively modernised shortly before the political turnaround of 1989/90.
Ortrand Eisenhütte began flying the flag on 10 February 1990. Instead of the GDR emblem, the colours white and green were included. Only black-red-gold flew on the company's own station crane.
The BSG "Stahl" Ortrand became the sports club "Eintracht Ortrand" on 2 May 1990.
The GDR ceased to exist with its entry into the territory of the Basic Law of the FRG. As the sole manufacturer of tiled stove air heaters in the new federal states, the now Eisenhütte Ortrand GmbH hoped for rising perspectives.
The two Rottal investors Alfred Rosai and Ulrich Brunner bought the traditional company Eisenhütte Ortrand from the Treuhand on 1 April 1992. After two years of difficult negotiations, the former market-leading ironworks of the GDR was to be developed into a powerful subsidiary for all-German and European partner companies.
Structural modernisation of the facilities of the now Ortrander Eisenhütte GmbH began as early as 1993.
In the years from 1994 to 1995, important restructuring took place, which was not fully completed until after the turn of the millennium.
The Minister President of the State of Brandenburg visited Ortrander Eisenhütte GmbH on 4 November 1995. 17.07.1998. The commissioning of a new warehouse marked the start of extensive construction work to modernise and expand the foundry.
On 19 August 1999, the go-ahead was given for the further expansion of Ortrander Eisenhütte to make it an even more competitive production site in the future.
By 2001, 33,000,000 EURO had been invested in the plant and by 2002, annual production and turnover had almost doubled.
During a safety day with the fire brigade, we practise fire-fighting techniques and the rescue of injured persons in an emergency.
We receive the award as a company with vision "Perspektive50plus - Employment package for older people in the district of Oberspreewald-Lausitz" from the district administrator.
State Secretary Dr. Wolfgang Krüger hands over a grant of 3.95 million euros and the first sod is turned for the construction of the new production and processing halls.
of the new production and processing halls. The project has a total investment of € 17.2 million.
We receive the "Großer Preis des Mittelstandes" in Berlin
Awarded the Entrepreneur Prize of the East German Savings Banks Association 2007 in Potsdam
Inauguration of the logistics hall
Award ceremony with the "Großer Preis des Mittelstandes" (Grand Prize of Medium-Sized Businesses)
Road safety day for "young drivers“
The Minister President, Mr Matthias Platzeck, puts the MATEC HV machining centre into operation
Start of the 15th Tour de OSL at Ortrander Eisenhütte GmbH
125th anniversary of Ortrander Eisenhütte GmbH - Technical innovation for our region
Commissioning of the OCC interchangeable vessel by the Minister President, Mr Matthias Platzeck
2 Ortrand benches find their place on the grounds of the State Chancellery
The furnace setters of the "Guild of Furnace and Air Heating Engineers of Eastern Thuringia" meet at Ortrander Eisenhütte GmbH
Dietmar Woidke - Minister President in Ortrand - Start of construction of the project "Ergonomics on reading and sorting conveyors".
18. 2. 2015 
Launch of another stage of the investment programme ORTRANDER 4.0 
Commissioning of the iron quality software ITACA from Italy and the PourTech pouring control system from Sweden by the Minister of Economic Affairs, Mr Albrecht Gerber
35 million euros have been invested in the foundry in the last 12 years
Since the new start after reunification, the annual turnover has quadrupled to about 45 million euros. The main business is on the European market in Scandinavia, Austria, Italy and Eastern Europe.
Automotive parts are also exported to Australia, America and China.
The export quota is 70 per cent.
Awarded the Schaeffler Supplier Prize for performance in 2015.
21. 9. 2018
Stove setters from the Leipzig Tile Stove Setters Guild are visiting to tour the "Heutige Eisenhütte". A longer stop is planned in the Mechanical Department to view the assembly of the first Brunner appliance with grate firing (WFR 33).
16. 11. 2018
State Secretary Thomas Kalinski - Brandenburg's Plenipotentiary to the Federal Government and for International Relations - is on a company visit to Ortrand together with the Ambassador of Belarus.
23. 10. 2019
Ortrander Eisenhütte GmbH files for insolvency
1. 4. 2021
Ortrander Eisenhütte can breathe a sigh of relief. The company will continue in family hands.